There was once a time when my face said it all,
Be it happiness or grief, be it jealousy or relief
There was once a time when what I said was what I wanted to say,
Be it to a close friend, be it to a complete stranger.
There was once a time when everyone seemed pure,
Be it the class topper who befriended you just for doubts or be it that friend who never meant what she said.
There was once a time I believed people for what they appeared,
Be it anyone, just anyone.
That was the time when my mom said I will not survive in the world.
That was the time when friends told me to grow up.
That was the time when I seemed innocent to a few and a fool to the rest .
Now I think I have grown up.
Now I might just survive in this world.
Now probably I don’t seem as big as a fool as I seemed before.
But now I wonder why people needed a mask in the first place
Now I wonder why we tend to not let the simple things be.
Now I see the phrase “Life’s just a play and we are mere actors” in a whole different light.