I am a lot of things. I am the dreams I dream, the thoughts I think and the things I do.I am the emotions I feel, the relations I form and the decisions I take. I am my actions, I am my plans. I am the fun that I had and the sorrows I shared. I am - a lot of things.
So what happens when I die?
I do not know.
But I do know this -
You will always be. You will be all those dreams, those thoughts you had and the things you did. You will be all the emotions you felt, the relations you kept and the decisions you took. You will be those actions and those plans. You will be all that fun that you had had and all the sorrows that you had shared. You still are a lot of things and that you will always be.
Life is not always predictable. So is death. It might take away what you would have become but can never take away what you were.
May you rest in peace.